To provide professional education and performance experiences for students in music and the performing arts.
The Coastal Music and Arts Foundation (CMAF) exists to actively support our community through professional education, performance opportunities, and advocacy for the arts.
We provide comprehensive and inclusive education in the visual and performing arts to students of all ages and backgrounds; create events and programs to celebrate and showcase individual and collective artistry through performance experiences. Most importantly, we work to support and promote the powerful and transformative impact we believe is possible as people engage in the performing arts.
About Us
We are a local charity focused on supporting music education, performing arts and charitable community organizations that serve children.
We passionately believe that when young people have opportunities to grow and flourish by participating in exceptional training and professional quality performing arts productions, they are becoming not only the next generation of artists and arts appreciators, but the next generation of engaged citizens: empowered to commit, focus, communicate, and energetically participate in a collaborative process.
In the current economic climate, opportunities for young artists to develop their artistic strengths are diminishing. As financial and educational support for the performing arts dwindles, CMAF is committed to making sure that this doesn’t happen in our community, because our young people are not only the next generation of artists, but are the next generation of leaders in their community.
Research shows the significant role that art plays in preparing young people for success, both in school and in life. Arts-involved students watch fewer hours of TV, participate in more community service and report less boredom in school. Extensive and deep involvement in the arts is also a predictor of students’ later academic achievement and community involvement.
The Coastal Music & Arts Foundation is an IRS 501(c)3 California Non-profit Corporation with deductible tax ID number 82-2005366.